Group Charter Flights

No matter the destination or the size of the group, we provide bespoke aircraft charter solutions to match your requirements. Fly to your own schedule and we will take care of the details.

Request a flight

One Way
Round Trip

What we offer

Chartered aircraft for any group

Every group is unique and your dedicated Account Manager will work with you to ensure that your charter flight is a success. Whether you are looking to charter your group from A to B or you require a complex shuttle programme, we have experience across every industry and access to a wide variety of aircraft, providing you with an end-to-end service to ensure the smooth running of your flights.

What we offer

The best way to charter a plane with your group

  • Fly flexibly to your own schedule and your Account Manager looks after the details.
  • Access more airports closer to your destination.
  • Personalised service working with your budget.
  • Your flights are supported by our 24/7 team.
  • Make your journey a memorable occasion with bespoke branding options.
  • Protection against airline financial failure, a replacement aircraft guarantee, and increased insurance levels.

What we offer

CharterPLUS from Air Partner

CharterPLUS is an industry-leading flight assurance promise that offers guaranteed protection and additional financial security to your flights. With CharterPLUS your flight is safeguarded against any unforeseen events, offering extra peace of mind for your trip.

At the core of every flight


Our dedicated account managers go above and beyond to create bespoke flights around you for a seamless experience.


We continue to set the benchmark for safety in aviation, which is why our Quality Management System far exceeds industry standards.


Founded in 1961, we have more experience than any other provider so you can trust you're in safe and reliable hands.

What our customers say